Julie Mikos-Houlihan, Photo: Kisten Lara Getchel 

The Journey to Make Myself and my Business Extraordinary.

If birthing a baby wasn't in the cards for me then I'm going to birth a business. Read on if you can stomach (or if I can!) my very personal journey of starting The Healing Farm business at the age of 49, just post midlife crisis and heading into the challenges of going gray and all the other things this challenging time in the life of a woman can bring (health-wise and emotionally). We may be in for a ride, but I hope to come out in the end building a strong and socially-conscious business that will spread the word of practical and affordable wellness for the almost forgotten middle class. At the same time creating a company culture in which THF employees will enjoy a good life-work balance, job shares, experience fair pay and ownership and, well, have more than one or two weeks of vacation, damn it. And I mean it! Because as I contemplate a career change and leaving my current self-employed status, I look at the workforce in the US and know that it's not for me - and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Let's do this!


Contact me with thoughts, ideas, encouragement or anything else that comes to mind. Criticism is welcome as long as it's said with mindful graciousness keeping in mind I'm a creative person trying to realize a big dream in the big business world and I don't have a writing degree! And please tell me about you, your dreams and aspirations and what inspired you to write to me!:

Julie Mikos Houlihan: julie@thehealingfarm.com